Pleasure Palace Turned Last Refuge of Zealots
A drama in three acts, all centered on the Fortress of Masada, a remarkable bastion perched above the Dead Sea in Israel. King Herod builds a pleasure palace, the Zealots make their last stand against Rome, and Israel returns at last.
There are no heroes here, no villains, just complex people doing great and terrible deeds. Josephus, historian/traitor, takes us through the story of the Great Jewish Revolt and the destruction of the Temple.
Masada visitor Lisa Goldberg tells us about the experience of climbing up (and down again) and exploring the ruins. And we eat traditional holiday goodies: sufganiyot and just in time for Purim, hamantaschen. Plus Israeli breakfasts.
Dennison, Matthew. The Twelve Caesars: the Dramatic Lives of the Emperors of Rome
Josephus. The Jewish War
Goodman, Martin. Rome and Jerusalem: the Clash of Ancient Civilizations
Lonely Planet Guide to Israel and the Palestinian Territories
Yadin, Yigael. Masada: Herod's Fortress and the Zealots' Last Stand
Photo by wikipedia user Andrew Shiva